
Why Having a Bathroom Routine Is Essential for IBS-C


Going to the bathroom when you’re living with irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C) can often be a chore. For one, bowel movements (BM) don’t happen with regularity, and it seems as if the stars need to perfectly align to go number two sometimes.

If you have IBS-C (meaning that more than a quarter of your stools are hard and lumpy), there are lifestyle modifications you can make to put a routine into place that supports healthy, regular BMs. This is also known as bowel retraining, according to gastroenterologist Stephanie Moleski, MD, an associate professor at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, as it teaches your bowels to move themselves regularly.

Drink Plenty of Fluids

Keeping your body well hydrated means your stools stay hydrated as well. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, water is like the superhero sidekick to fiber, making stools softer and better able to move along. You’re naturally dehydrated after a night of sleep, so Dr. Moleski suggests drinking one large glass of water when you wake up. Naturally sweetened juices from fruits and vegetables, as well as clear soups, also count as hydrating fluids.

Plan for the Morning

You can poop anytime, of course, but encouraging the habit in the morning pays off, especially after you’ve hydrated your body. “You’re going to get the most bang for your buck in the morning, because your body experiences the maximum colonic stimulation at that time,” Moleski says. That means your bowels are primed for an a.m. BM. There are a few additional things you can do in the morning to facilitate your trip to the bathroom.

For example, coffee is said to be BFFs with bathroom breaks for a reason. That warm brew really does help move your stool. Hot tea or coffee with caffeine are the best choices, as the warmth and caffeine are gastric stimulants. “Coffee, in particular, also can boost levels of gastrin, a hormone that helps you poop,” Moleski says.

Eating, just like coffee, is a gastrointestinal stimulant. Moleski recommends eating a balanced breakfast as part of a BM-supporting morning routine, as this revs up the digestive process and sends a signal to your colon to empty out, which is why you may feel the urge to go after you’ve eaten.

Sit on the Toilet

Now that you’ve primed your body, it’s time to head to the bathroom. When you do sit on the toilet, plan to be there for no longer than 10 minutes, says Moleski. “Prolonged sitting can put pressure on your pelvic floor that increases the risk of hemorrhoids,” she says. Tip: Leave your phone outside, so you don’t lose track of time while scrolling. If you haven’t had a BM after 10 minutes, leave. Don’t strain to try to make it happen, and try again later if you feel you need to go.

Elevate Your Knees When on the Toilet

By putting your feet on a toilet stool while using the bathroom, your knees naturally elevate to a more natural position for pooping. Using a toilet stool leads to about a fourfold increase in having a complete BM, reduces straining, and decreases the time it takes, according to one small study. Doesn’t that sound like a more pleasant (and effective) way to spend your bathroom time?

Respond to Nature’s Call

When you’ve got to go, you really have to go. Heading to the bathroom when you feel that you have to go is a good habit for anyone, but it’s even more important if you have IBS-C. “If you hold it in, you’re retraining your body not to poop,” says Moleski. It’s understandable if you don’t want to go in a public place or at the office, but that’s the benefit of trying to establish a routine in the morning. You can try to take care of business before you leave the house.

Stay Active

Let your new mantra be “Move your body, move your bowels.” Physical activity stimulates bowel movements, says Moleski, but that doesn’t mean you have to run for miles on end every day. A brisk 10-minute walk or stretching does the job nicely.


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