
Quick and Easy One-Pot Minestrone Soup Recipe


Before I had kids, I had imagined that being a registered dietitian would help me to feed them the perfect healthy diet. I envisioned having dinner on the table by five every evening and sending them off each morning with beautifully packed lunches every day.

Now, as an actual mother of three young children, all of whom have busy social and extracurricular schedules, I have come to realize that having time to cook a meal from scratch every single day is impossible. Don’t get me wrong, I still do my best to feed them the best foods I can, but the reality is that our busy schedules make things feel impossible some days.

On days when we don’t even walk in the door until five or six at night, the easiest thing to do is grab something that is already prepared, such as takeout or packaged food that gets heated up quickly. As much as I love supporting the amazing locally owned businesses near our house, restaurant food is almost always less healthy than what you prepare at home. Add to that the fact that the cost of takeout for a family of five is astronomical right now and you have two really good reasons why I try not to indulge in takeout all too often, and will even make my own versions of favorite takeout meals.

Similarly, ready-to-eat food that you heat and eat at home is well known for being high in unhealthy fat, sodium, added sugar, refined carbohydrates, and chemical stabilizers, notes the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. This food is handy in a pinch, but is certainly not something that I want to feed my family on a regular basis.


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