
How Isometric Exercise Can Improve Blood Pressure


Exercise is a vital component of heart health, but you don’t necessarily need to pour sweat in a high-intensity bootcamp class to reap the benefits. While aerobic, or cardio, exercise like running, cycling, and brisk walking is certainly important for strengthening your heart, another type of movement called isometric exercise is gaining attention for its ability to help reduce blood pressure.

In fact, recent research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine

found that when compared with other forms of physical activity, isometric exercise was most beneficial in lowering blood pressure.

What Is Isometric Exercise?

Isometric exercise is a type of movement that involves static muscle contractions.

“The muscle during an isometric contraction develops tension or force but does not result in shortening or lengthening of that muscle and there is no movement of the joint connected to the muscle,” says Jonathan Whiteson, MD, medical director of cardiac rehabilitation at NYU Langone Health in New York City.

Examples of isometric exercise include planks, wall sits, and glute bridges.


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