
How Water Intake Can Ease Symptoms


It’s important to keep your joints in tip-top shape if you have psoriatic arthritis. Water helps maintain all body functions, many of which affect your joints.

“There are no research studies, to my knowledge, that study the effects of dehydration specifically in patients with arthritis, but adequate hydration, in general, is important for joint health,” says Paras Karmacharya, MBBS, an assistant professor of medicine in the division of rheumatology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.

Water is a necessary component of synovial fluid, which is the layer of liquid that cushions your joints and prevents friction when you move. Without ample water, your body may not produce enough of this fluid.

Additionally, hydration is essential for keeping the tissue lining of your joints — called cartilage — lubricated and healthy.

Dr. Karmacharya points out that adequate hydration is also important for the health of ligaments and tendons, which are often affected by psoriatic arthritis.

“Psoriatic arthritis itself should not make you more prone to dehydration. But we know that synovial fluid, cartilage cells, tendons, and ligaments all require water to reduce friction and maintain good motion between the joints. Therefore, not drinking enough water may lead to joint pain,” says Karmacharya.

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Proper hydration will also flush toxins from the body, which may reduce inflammation, according to the Arthritis Foundation.


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