
Psoriatic Arthritis Self-Care Tips


1. Eat a Nutritious Diet

Eating an overall balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables is part of good health, including when you have psoriatic arthritis, Orbai says. She recommends focusing more on making healthy food choices you enjoy, because you’re more likely to stick with it.

While there’s not a scientifically supported diet for psoriatic arthritis, an anti-inflammatory diet such as the Mediterranean diet might help ease some of your symptoms.

And a little planning can go a long way. “Take time to plan your meals in advance whenever possible. This can help you make better decisions and avoid eating because you are bored or stressed,” says Orbai.

RELATED: Can a Special Diet Help You With Psoriatic Arthritis?

2. Get Moving

“Motion is lotion for people who have psoriatic arthritis,” says Deividas Jeskevicius, an occupational therapist at the Kessler Rehabilitation Center in Vernon, New Jersey. If you experience swollen, painful joints, you might avoid physical activity. And when you move less, you have less mobility and more stiffness, explains Jeskevicius. “That can cause a cycle of pain and inactivity that continues to worsen,” he says. “People who have psoriatic arthritis should be participating in things and staying active — maybe not heavy activities, but there are a lot of things they can do.”

Examples of psoriatic arthritis–friendly activities include swimming, walking, and cycling.

If you’re unsure of what to try or how to get started, ask your doctor for a referral to an occupational or physical therapist who has experience working with people who have psoriatic arthritis.

RELATED: 7 Exercises to Try if You Have Psoriatic Arthritis

3. Reach and Maintain a Healthy Weight

Obesity is a risk factor for both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, says Orbai. “A number of studies link weight loss in people who have psoriatic arthritis and are overweight or obese to reduced disease activity and improved efficacy of their treatment for psoriatic arthritis,” she says.

Staying active and focusing on a healthful diet can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight. Mindful eating may also be helpful. “Take the time to savor and enjoy the foods you eat. If we allow ourselves the extra time to eat more slowly, to fully taste and smell our food, this can help us be more attuned to what we eat,” Orbai says. By practicing mindful eating, you can better recognize when you’re full, and that may help you avoid overeating, she adds.

4. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Most people experience some degree of stress at one time or another, and many people who have psoriatic arthritis find their symptoms flare when they’re stressed.

Incorporating relaxation techniques into your routine can help reduce stress and keep flares at bay. Yoga may be a good place to start. Meditation can also be an effective way to manage stress.

If you feel like your stress levels are through the roof and you have a hard time relaxing, have some compassion for yourself and your expectations. Don’t try to change too much all at once. “Try working on it a little bit every day — maybe by taking a few more work breaks, going for a short walk, or finding just a few minutes of quiet time,” Orbai recommends.

5. Enjoy a Soothing Soak

Taking a bath when you have psoriatic arthritis can be an enjoyable way to practice self-care and ease stiff muscles and joints. But if you also have psoriasis, you’ll want to follow a few simple guidelines.

Make sure the water isn’t too hot, as that can exacerbate already painful lesions. Keep your soak to 10 minutes or less. After your bath, gently pat your skin dry with a towel. Leave your skin a little wet and immediately apply your favorite fragrance-free moisturizer all over your body.

For an extra treat, buy or make your own colloidal (finely ground) oatmeal bath soak to help calm and nourish your skin and temporarily relieve psoriasis symptoms.

6. Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is important for everyone, but people who have psoriatic arthritis are especially vulnerable to the health consequences of not getting enough sleep, says Orbai. “Everyone has a certain amount of reserves,” she explains. “When you have psoriatic arthritis and you’re always coping with pain, inflammation, and stiffness, you have [fewer] reserves, and that means getting a less than perfect night’s sleep can impact you more.”

A meta-analysis published in The Journal of Rheumatology found that between 30 and 85 percent of people with psoriatic arthritis reported sleep difficulties, and sleep disturbance ranked in the top four health-related quality of life domains affected by psoriatic arthritis.

 As the Arthritis Foundation notes, poor sleep increases the risk of weight gain and obesity, which puts extra stress on your joints, and disrupted sleep can worsen joint pain.

But don’t let the pressure to get good sleep stress you out more. “Even if you aren’t getting to sleep right away, sometimes just resting is helping your body recover,” Orbai says. “It’s often more beneficial to remind yourself of the importance of rest and good nighttime habits, rather than focusing on a certain number of hours of sleep that you feel you should be getting.”

7. Connect With Others Who Have Psoriatic Arthritis

People who have psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis have an increased risk of depression, says Orbai. “Sometimes psoriasis can impact a person’s confidence, and when we’re not as confident, we tend to isolate,” she says. “That can lead to more depression and create a negative cycle.”

Making social connections and maintaining those relationships is important for your mental health. “Try to make it a priority, even during those periods when you don’t feel as social,” she says.

If you want to connect with someone who understands what it’s like to have psoriatic arthritis, ask your doctor about local support groups. You can find peer support through the National Psoriasis Foundation. Its Psoriasis One to One program matches you with a mentor with psoriatic disease who can offer you encouragement and a listening ear. The Live Yes! Connect Groups from the Arthritis Foundation can connect you either in person or virtually with other people living with psoriatic arthritis. Another great source of support is CreakyJoints, a digital community for people with arthritis and caregivers.


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