
8 Yoga Poses for Ankylosing Spondylitis


Including yoga in your exercise routine can be helpful if you’re living with the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis (AS), like pain and stiffness in your back.

“We don’t have a cure for AS, so yoga and other nonimpact exercises are great options,” says Melvyn A. Harrington Jr., MD, a professor of orthopedic surgery at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

“Folks who have milder disease and don’t have significant stiffness can do more yoga poses than someone who has advanced disease,” Dr. Harrington notes.

For people with AS, though, the expression “no pain, no gain” does not apply here: You don’t want to add to any pain you’re already feeling, so you’ll want to start slowly and tailor the yoga poses to your abilities.

Stretching and Breath Work Offer Benefits for Ankylosing Spondylitis

“The movement and stretch that yoga offers are helpful and can sometimes alleviate some of the low back pain associated with AS,” says Lauren Harris, a New York City–based yoga instructor. “People need to practice mindfully, of course, and listen to their own bodies. If a pose causes pain in any way, it should not be used.”

The deep breathing of yoga also offers benefits. “Yoga offers gentle stretching and flexibility, but the breath work can be incredibly helpful for people with AS because it improves chest expansion,” says Diana Zotos, a certified yoga instructor and physical therapist in New York City. “Some people with AS have slumped posture. Yoga’s deep, diaphragmatic breathing supports posture.”

Zotos suggests discussing yoga with your doctor before giving it a try. Then, once you get started, always listen to your body. “If it feels like a stretch, that is a good thing, but if it hurts, the pose may not be right for you,” she says. “Go to a beginner’s class and use props such as blocks or blankets if you need them.”

A yoga teacher can help you tailor yoga poses, or asanas, to your needs. “This is your pose — it is not a competition,” says Zotos.

Both the Spondylitis Association of America (SAA) and the Arthritis Foundation recommend yoga specifically as a way to manage and reduce the pain from AS, with the SAA offering a number of free get-started resources and videos.

Here are eight expert-approved yoga poses that can be particularly beneficial for people with ankylosing spondylitis. 


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